Often I am being asked how to choose the best body worker. My answer is that you need to find the right body worker for you, for we all have different needs and enjoy different types of modalities and pressures of touch.

Body work can alleviate stress and anxiety by decreasing cortisol levels and increasing serotonin and dopamine in the body. The sensation of physical contact, too, has been shown to have numerous health benefits.
I’ve gathered some guide-lines you can use in order to find the right fit for you.
Guide-lines to choosing the right body worker for you
1. Determine Why You Need Body Therapy - ask yourself what are your health status and personal goals from a body work session. Are you looking to ease tension and de-stress or relive pain from a part of your body? Is the pain chronic or not? When you identify your unique needs you will need to locate a therapist that specializes in your condition.
2. Learn About The Different Modalities - Each modality specializes in particular treatment. Learning about the different techniques will help you to choose the best modality for you. Here you can also decide if you prefer going to a clinic, a day spa or have the therapist come to your home.
3. Proper Training, Certificates and State License - Ask your therapist with regards to their licensing and certifications, especially if you are in for a particular modality. Some modalities require further certifications, and most massage therapists are required to undergo special trainings involving CPR and first aid training. Asking these questions will help you get an overview of the skill set of your prospective therapist and guide you on how to choose a massage therapist.
4. Ask About Costs and Logistics - Some modalities require a series of session, others do not. Ask about how long each session is and what are the rates per time. There may be different rates for different techniques. Ask if the body worker provides special discounts or package rates. All these will help you understand the financial and time commitment needed.
5. Ask and Read Referrals – Ask people you know and trust or ask around about a therapist you think is the right fit for you.
6. Communicate - Always communicate your expectations and intentions with your massage therapist and speak up if there is something with which you aren’t comfortable. Talk to your doctor before getting any type of massage if you have any health concerns or conditions.
7. You Will Never Know Until you Try - After all is said and done, seeing is believing, or in this case, experiencing is knowing. Your massage experience will mostly depend on the connection between you and your massage therapist. Regardless of the number of certifications, hours of experience, and skill that your therapist has, your massage experience will not be as fulfilling if you and your therapist do not communicate well with each other. What matters is that your therapist knows your body’s individual needs and knows how to best address your body’s issues.
Massage may be a way for you to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Experiment with different types of massage and with different massage therapists you researched, to find the type and provider that is most ideal for you.